I thank Ahmed for his post, although I suppose
we'll have to agree to disagree on some points. There
are just a few things I'd like to add,
"2. If Harvard only wanted one team in each division,
why were two teams entered in Division I?"
didn't say we only wanted two teams. Obviously, we
wanted three. However, had we been able to get two bids,
I'm pretty sure (I don't speak for the rest of the
team here, but I'm pretty sure I'm right) that we
would have willingly accepted that as a compromise. It
was only when it became evident that we would have to
field teams anyway that we decided we might as well
field 3.
Also, I think Ahmed misunderstands what
I had to say about delays. My point is that because
Ahmed was in an atypical room, delays there were
probably more exaggerated than anywhere else. Like I said,
problems in my room were pretty minimal -- only once more
than a couple of minutes.
Anyway, that's all I
have to add.