Here's the field as I have it currently. Fence-sitters have told me
that they might play, but are more likely to moderate.
Noel Erinjeri
Stan Jastrzebski
Jason Keller
Rob Long
Dan Passner
Michael Philpy
Ted Stratton
Geoff Zmyslowski
Julie Stalhut
Dwight Kidder
Mitchell Szczepanczyk
Craig Barker
Kevin Olmstead
Mike Burger
As you can see, we still have room for any interested parties to
join in or move from the reading to the playing category. If your
name is on here and you're not coming or if you aren't here and are
planning on coming in any capacity, drop me an e-mail at
mphilpy_at_..., I'll add you to the list, and we'll see you on
May 30th.
Michael Philpy