On May 30, 2004, seven hearty souls braved Michigan's construction and the difficulty of writing one's own packet to play in the 10th Annual Kidder Cup One-on-One Tournament. After the preliminary seven rounds, the seedings stood as: 1: Noel Erinjeri 2: Jason Keller 3: Stan Jastrzebski 4: Rob Long 5: Michael Philpy 6: Ted Stratton 7: Mitchell Szczepancyzk These seven players played three rounds of single elimination for our playoffs: In a moment, the results of that tournament: 1st place: Jason Keller 2nd place: Noel Erinjeri 3rd place: Ted Stratton 4th place: Rob Long 5th place: Stan Jastrzebski 6th place: Michael Philpy 7th place: Mitchell Szczepancyzk Thus, upon its tenth incarnation, the Kidder Cup becomes the possession of Jason Keller and will now be known as the Keller Cup. We salute Jason for keeping it real for the 607 posse and keeping it in the Cornell family, and look forward to his stirring defense next season. Some thank yous go out to Dwight Kidder, Geoff Zmyslowski, Julie Stahlhut, Mike Burger, Kevin Olmstead, Anne Mitchell, Michael Davidson, and Craig Barker for helping out and creating the lowest-ever staff to player ratio in tournament history. We also thank the University of California at Berkeley and Dwight Kidder for their contribution of playoff packets, they were greatly appreciated. A final thank you to Michael Philpy for his efforts in coordinating the Kidder Cup in his final official act as Michigan's Internal Director. We hope that more people will be able to attend next year's Keller Cup on the Sunday May 29th, 2005 in Ann Arbor. Also, please do not forget about out 6th Annual Trash One-On-One Tournament, the Montgomery Burns, on Saturday, August 7, 2004. Contact myself (cdbarker at umich dot edu) or Mike Burger (mmb5 at earthlink dot net) for more information (which will also be posted very soon.) Thanks to all and we hope to have packets available sometime in the next few weeks. Craig Barker Stat Monkey, 2004 Kidder Cup
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