I just got back from a week's vacation, and I'm sure I'm forgetting
something, but as of the moment here's the field I'm expecting for
this weekend's tournaments. If I'm wrong, please tell me at your
earliest convenience [steinhic at bellsouth dot net]. And yes,
there's still time to enter a team or throw your hat into the free
agent ring if you so desire.
Also, if you're bringing a team, it's time to start sending in those
clever team names.
NAQT HS NCT Mirror (open academic tournament Sat. 6/12/04):
Ga. Tech etc. (Webb et al.)
North Alabama CC mixed team (Clanton et al.)
Decatur HS
Kentucky etc. (Kendall et al.)
Kentucky etc. (Manker et al.)
UTC (?)
Macon State (?)
Summer Camp (open trash tournament Sun. 6/13):
Vandy etc. (Kearney et al.)
Macon State (?)
Acuff et al. (?)