After losing to them in the prelims, "Bus with Watermelons" (South
Florida) beat "UGA had VD but they went to Dr. Adams and he got rid
of it" (just take a seond to think about it) (Mark Franklin) to win
the Vince Dooley Memorial Hybrid.
For their efforts, they won a three volume set of photo books
entitled The French- The German- and The British Millenium. Mark won
a trash set of books incuding the "Flintstones and the Computer that
went Bananas"
Here are the results of the prelims:
UGA had VD...: 6-0
Bus with Watermelons (USF):5-1
Beyonce Anything (James Quintong and Alysia Vralis): 3-3
Martha Stewart's Legion of Daytrading Feminazis (Robert Scott,
Freshly Brewed Teabags (South GA-1): 2-4
Riding in Mini-vans with Dorks (Macon State): 2-4
The Combovers (South Ga-2): 1-5
Thanks to Stephen Taylor, Tom Michael, Dr. Greg Trandel and those who
helped out to make this tournament a success.