--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Michael Angelo Sorice"
<msorice_at_u...> wrote:
> There's really very little point to reading this board anymore,
> unless I feel like learning about the latest game shows, etc. I
> mean, no offense to you all, but... please discuss quiz bowl in
> the quiz bowl group? Anyway.
Seeing that Ken is both a former BYU quizbowl team member and a
current writer for a NAQT, and given that Jeopardy is the only thing
that even vaguely comes close to a quizbowl-type competition on TV,
I can't see how this is off-topic.
Of course, you might be implying that some quizbowlers whose egos
are the size of Alaska might not be able to bear reading about the
success of anyone in the community other than themselves, in which
case, you've made your point loud and clear....