So 31 of 106 is about 29%, so we'll say that's about how much of
the active circuit actually participated in ACF Regionals. Considering
ACF Regionals packets to be "average ACF packets" (and this year's
were considered by many to be anomalously hard with respect to other
ACF Regionals, by the way) and considering that, of all teams
attending ACF Regionals this year, about 10% averaged less than 50
points per game, that would mean that approximately 26.20% of actual
quiz bowl teams did, in point of actual fact, average over 50 PPG on
average ACF packets this year. Further, these are actual statistics
from actual games, which fact I mention because, when someone says
"Team X wouldn't get Y points on packet Z," I assume you mean playing
Empty Chair University D; against whom none of the games were played.
Therefore, the assertation that 90% of teams wouldn't score 50 PPG
on average ACF packets is, on the face of it even, with the facts
available, demonstrably, trivially, and wholly false, inaccurate, and
otherwise repugnant. Thanks for playing.