It's not really my place, I suppose — I don't have deep knowledge of the formats or the circuit, I'm a very junior member of this board, and I haven't written an academic question in my two years that didn't suck — but I'd like to point something out. This thread has gone the way of seemingly all QB discussions, thanks to one statement with two numbers in it that made an implication about the difficulty of ACF packets. People are trying to argue the validity of that statement based on SABREmetrically correct analyses of the Maize Pages, ACF and NAQT statistics, and a lot of long division and longer digression. Yet, I maintain that no one has actually answered the question posed by the statement. Here are Michael A. Knapp's original words: "...90% of college bowl teams would average less than 50 ppg on a typical ACF packet..." I will restate that for everyone's convenience. Ninety percent of College Bowl teams — not circuit quiz teams, not NAQT-playing teams — would score fewer than fifty points per game on a typical ACF packet. Now, on this thread, I've come across some great and some less-than-great arguments for and against the notion that ACF packets are too hard for Joe Circuit, plus an amusing tribute to the bygone era of Nancy Kerrigan. What I haven't seen is anyone discussing College Bowl teams. At some point, it went from being about CBI sides to those playing "legitimate" quizbowl and, predictably, all hell broke loose. I don't think Mr. Knapp should be held responsible (if indeed he is being held responsible, which I find hard to tell) for the gall with which we have disputed a claim he didn't make; I'm furthermore puzzled as to why we have disputed it at all since those on both sides seem to agree it's wrong, but can't decide just *how* wrong. If anyone actually wants to start arguing whether nine College Bowl teams out of ten would miss the Mendoza line of 50 ppg in ACF play, I'm sure the stats are just a Prodigy search away. Props to Larry Horse for trying in vain to keep things light around here. Returning to my summer cave to continue work on my secret masterpiece theme packet, this has been Gordon Arsenoff Business Manager & Webmaster, The Thelion Society but speaking only for myself, of course. ----- Original Message Follows ----- > [email.htm] > <html><body> > > > <tt> > Long posts make baby Jesus cry. They also make Big<BR> > Baby Jesus wanna hook up with Subash to light a jizzy.<BR> > <BR> > <BR> > <BR> > __________________________________<BR> > Do you Yahoo!?<BR> > Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!<BR> > <a > href=""> > new_mail</a><BR> </tt> > > > > > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> > > <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC> > <td alignÎnter><font size="-1" color=#003399><b>Yahoo! Groups > Sponsor</b></font></td> </tr> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF> > <td alignÎnter widthG0><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> > <tr> <td alignÎnter><font face=arial > size=-2>ADVERTISEMENT</font> <a > href=" > 1176/D=groups/S05080866:HM/EXP88629947/A!28215/R=0/SIGse96mf6 > /*" alt=""><img > src=" > on_043004.gif" alt="click here" width="300" height="250" > border="0"></a></td></tr></table> </td> </tr> > <tr><td><img alt="" width=1 height=1 > src=" > roups/S=:HM/A!28215/rand)7869353"></td></tr> </table> > > <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> > > > > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> > > > <tt><hr width="500"> > <b>Yahoo! Groups Links</b> > <ul> > <li>To visit your group on the web, go to: <a > href=""> > roup/quizbowl/</a> <li>To unsubscribe from this group, send an > email to: <a > href="">q ></a> <li>Your use of Yahoo! > Groups is subject to the <a > href="">Yahoo! Terms of Service</a>. > </ul> </tt> > </br> > > <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> > > > </body></html> > > [Attachment: email.htm] _______________ Gordon Arsenoff "If you put your foot in your mouth, and continue to shoot your mouth off, you're only shooting yourself in the foot." —Me
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