First of all, having played, hung out, driven long distances, etc., with Mr. Adelman for the past two years, I can tell you right off the drop that asking him to stop being a jackass is like asking the ocean to stop being wet. It won't happen, in this life or the next. That said, to lay all blame at Mike's feet for the perpetuation of this (agreedly inane) discussion is incorrect. There are perhaps half a dozen principals here, plus folks like you and me who're just trying to stop the madness, and none of us is helping. Gordon... ----- Original Message Follows ----- > [email.htm] > <html><body> > > > <tt> > I just keep hoping that this inane thread would just die already. <BR> > Since it is not...<BR> > <BR> > Mike Adelman, stop being a jackass...<BR> > <BR> > "It is better to be thought a fool than to open<BR> > one's mouth and remove all doubt."<BR> > <BR> > Romero<BR> > <BR> > </tt> > > > > > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> > > <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC> > <td alignÎnter><font size="-1" color=#003399><b>Yahoo! Groups > Sponsor</b></font></td> </tr> > <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF> > <td alignÎnter widthG0><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> > <tr> <td alignÎnter><font face=arial > size=-2>ADVERTISEMENT</font> <a > href=" > 1176/D=groups/S05080866:HM/EXP88829984/A!28215/R=0/SIGse96mf6 > /*" alt=""><img > src=" > on_043004.gif" alt="click here" width="300" height="250" > border="0"></a></td></tr></table> </td> </tr> > <tr><td><img alt="" width=1 height=1 > src=" > roups/S=:HM/A!28215/randq9900245"></td></tr> </table> > > <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> > > > > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> > > > <tt><hr width="500"> > <b>Yahoo! Groups Links</b> > <ul> > <li>To visit your group on the web, go to: <a > href=""> > roup/quizbowl/</a> <li>To unsubscribe from this group, send an > email to: <a > href="">q ></a> <li>Your use of Yahoo! > Groups is subject to the <a > href="">Yahoo! Terms of Service</a>. > </ul> </tt> > </br> > > <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> > > > </body></html> > > [Attachment: email.htm] _______________ Gordon Arsenoff "If you put your foot in your mouth, and continue to shoot your mouth off, you're only shooting yourself in the foot." —Me
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