The calendar is used for listing events if the TD's of those events so choose. Sometimes
people forget or are lazy. Aside from Illinois Open, GIT, and TRASH regs I don't know of
anything in the area that's been claimed so if you want to find a date for Route 66 I'd say
just avoid those and you should be golden.
--- In, "retroskatershoes" <retroskatershoes_at_y...> wrote:
> actual post about current goings on in the QB world.
> Hey, my name's Christal and I'm an alcoholic...oh and the new
> president of the OU academic team. I know it's a bit early in the
> year for this, but frankly I'm just trying to liven up my daily
> digest from this site.
> I was wondering if the calander on this site is ever used for
> listing upcomming QB events in the nation, or will I just have to
> skim through every post to find upcoming dates? Also, how do your
> teams find packets. After two years, I think I've played every
> packet that my team has, and while they're good for newer members to
> play on it seems that some of the old gaurd have certain questions
> memorized.
> Changing the subject,
> Christal