Partially because I'm dreading continuation of the ACF argument that might continue, I'm going to make a discussion-related post to draw attention away from an argument/thread that passed train-wreck status a LONG time ago. A few weeks ago, I was talking to Leo, and somehow the subject of the top 25 players in the nation came up. Off the top of my head, I started naming off, in no particular order, people that I thought belonged in the top 25 *CURRENTLY ACTIVE* collegiate players. Keep in mind that no research was done, and I'm sure that I was wrong in several places. This is just what I came up with in about two minutes. So, I was originally going to post this top 25. However, upon looking at the selections just a minute ago, I realized that just about three of my selections didn't belong in the same cadre as the others. So here's my top 22, in NO particular order whatsoever. It's just how I happened to think of them. Also, keep in mind that I had fairly difficult questions in mind when I picked this crowd (somewhere from ACF Regionals-level through ICT). Jeff Hoppes Seth Teitler Matt Weiner Raj Dhuwalia Adam Kemezis Matt Lafer Leo Wolpert Mike Sorice Sudheer Potru Chris Frankel Susan Ferrari Chris Romero Candace Benefiel Scott Francis Wesley Matthews Matt Reece Matt Cvijanovich Martin Devecka Mike Wehrman Micha Elsner Fred Bush Seth Kendall We could start another thread on the greatest players of all time and such, but this is more useful and pertinent for the time being. I'm leaving for the weekend in about an hour and a half, but I'm hoping to see plenty of discussion by the time I return on Monday. Suggest others that I forgot, and those that don't belong, etc. I'm interested to hear lots of opinions on this. Oh, and if you want to see some more opinions, this has been cross- posted to: --Sudheer, UIUC
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