What follows is by in large the same message I posted to the hsquizbowl.org site. I really need another team, so if you're thinking about it, please e-mail me ASAP Hey All, With the tournament fast approaching. I wanted to post several updates. First to all registered teams, I'll send out directions and a guide of possible places to stay in the next 1-2 days. Right now the field stands at 12 teams. They are as follows (the p in parentheses indicates that the team submitted a packet): - Kentucky/Valencia - Wolpert, Kemezis - Dhuwalia, Borglum, Kendall (p) - Cohn, Ferrari, Kirkpatrick, Reece (p) - Frankel, Lafer, and others (p) - Romero and others (p) - Litvak, Yaphe, Teitler, Hoppes (p) - Sorice, Ullsperger, Potru, Weiner (p) - Hillemann, Hentzel, Waters - Matthews, Cvijanovich, Hilson (p) - Freeburg, Passner, DeJesus, and others (p) - Kelly, Suzman, Vaz (p) If you're not on this list and should be or if you are and shouldn't, please e-mail me ASAP at suby10_at_... or subash_at_... Now folks, I could use some help from those in the know. As you can see, the current field stands at 12 teams. I will have 15 packets with 9 of them submitted (I'll possibly have a 16th but discount that for now). How can I run a round robin and playoffs with 15 packets? Is it even feasible? Any ideas, suggestions? Of course, if one more team adds, that would be the best scenario. So if there's anyone out there who's interested, send me an e-mail. It should be an event-packed weekend with some incredibly tough competition. As you might have seen, Chris Romero and his teammates are running a lit singles event on the Sunday following the tournament, and provided there are enough people to run and staff it and enough interest, there'll be a mirror of the Berkeley Science Monstrosity event as well. Oh also, please e-mail me if you're bringing a buzzer system. From what I've heard so far, we should have enough, but I want to double check. Thanks, Subash
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