Good evening everyone,
I am currently taking a Public Speaking class, as my last educational
requirement before I can take the CPA Exam. In the next week I need
to prepare and deliver an Informative Speech.
For my topic, I would like to do "How to Qualify for and Succeed on
Jeopardy!" I need to conduct a phone interview with at least one
person who has been on Jeopardy!, who can share his or her
experiences on the show. (I've made it as far as the mock-game phase,
but did not get a callback)
So Ken Jennings, if you're out there and can spare ten minutes, I'd
love to talk to you :) As that's likely not realistic (he's gotta be
inundated with requests right now), I would love to talk to someone
who has been on the show (and hopefully won at least once). If
someone can spare 10-15 minutes sometime between now and Sunday
evening, please e-mail me at satriani22_at_....
Thank you for your help, and I hope all of you are enjoying your
-Adam Fine