ACF Fall Full Announcement. This is the full announcement for ACF Fall 2004 to be held the weekend of October 30th at sites as to be determined throughout the nation. As already announced editorship will be by Subash Maddipoti and Matt Cvijanovich. We have revised the packet requirements somewhat. The full packet will now require thirty tossups and thirty bonuses to be distributed in the following way: Literature 6/6 History 6/6 Science 6/6 Religion, Myth, Philosophy 3/3 Fine Arts 3/3 Social Science/Geography 2/2 More "Big Three" (ie Lit, Hist, Sci,) 2/2 Your Choice/Miscellaneous (Can include Trash) 2/2 Total 30/30 More specific requirements in each category are as follows. Literature 6/6: No more than 2/2 on Brit or American lit. At least 2/2 on prose fiction, 1/1 on plays, and 1/1 on poetry. Vary according to nationalities and time periods. History 6/6: No more than 1/1 ancient (pre 4th century CE) and no more than 1/2 or 2/1 pre 1492. No more than 2/2 on any one century including 20th. Science 6/6: At least 1/1 bio, 1/1 phys, 1/1 chem and 1/1 other (i.e. not bio phys or chem). Religion/Myth/Phil: 3/3 If you're up to it please try to make one religion question Christianity and one non-Christianity. Unless working with the Roman-Greco system please use two systems for Myth questions. Fine Arts 3/3: 1/1 painting, 1/1 fine arts music, 1/1 something else (architecture, sculpture, dance etc). Geography/Social Sciences 2/2: Please try to make 1/1 Social Science and 1/1 Geography More Big Three 2/2: Please vary - do not do all of one subject Your Choice/Miscellaneous: 2/2 This can include Trash and would be a good place to put multi-disciplinary questions. Unlike previous years everyone must submit questions to this tournament. However, less experienced teams will not have to write as many questions. These are the requirements for first-year and novice teams. First-year teams: These are teams composed entirely of players who have not played in a tournament before the Spring 2004 semester. Total 10/10 History 2/2 Literature 2/2 Science 2/2 Religion, Myth, Phil 1/1 Fine Arts 1/1 Social Science/Geo 1/1 Your Choice 1/1 Novice Teams: These are teams composed entirely of first or second year players - that is all players must have attended their first collegiate quiz bowl tournament after the Spring semester of 2003. Total 16/16 Literature 3/3 History 3/3 Science 3/3 More "Big Three" 2/2 Religion, Myth Phil 2/2 Fine Arts 1/1 Geography/Social Science 1/1 Your Choice 1/1 A few notes about packets for first year and novice teams: First, any first year and novice team that wants to write a full packet is encouraged to do so and will get the discounts entitled to them for doing so. Second, please vary your question sub-distributions in accordance with the more specific requirements listed above for the full packet. Third, teams that don't have much experience in writing questions are encouraged to contact Subash and I with any questions they might have about writing. All teams who haven't done so already should look at Subash's 10 tips for question writing at the following address: The following are the packet deadlines: -Aug 13th -$40 for full packets, -$20 for "novice" packets, -$10 for "first year" -Aug 27th -$20, -$10, -$5 -Sept 24th no penalty -October 1st +$10 for all packets -October 8th +$20 for all packets -October 15th +40 for all packets Note: No packets will be accepted after this date unless we give you permission to do so. If you feel in some way that your team meets the spirit of either "novice" or "first-year" but doesn't technically qualify for them you can petition Subash and I to lower your team's packet writing requirements. Please e-mail your packets to us at suby10_at_... (suby10 at yahoo dot com) and bigc7233_at_... (bigc7233 at yahoo dot com). Preferred files are either word or rtf. If you cannot use one of those please paste the packet in the text of the message. All other questions or comments can be directed at us through the e-mail addresses above. One final note: If your school is interested in hosting ACF Fall the deadline for bid submission is August 15th. I will send out an e- mail at the beginning of August reminding everyone of the bid deadline again. Thank you, Matt Cvijanovich Co-Editor ACF Fall 2004.
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