Here are the fields as I have them at present for UTC's two upcoming
quizbowl tournaments -- Muck Masters (open trash) on Sat. 8/7 and Moc
Masters (open academic) on Sun. 8/8. There's still plenty of room in
both, as well as the usual pressing need for more packets of both
flavors. Please let me know if you have any changes, or if you can
help on the question writing end (substantial bribes in the form of
practice packets or tournament discounts apply.)
Muck Masters (trash) Sat., Aug. 7:
UT alums -- Scotti W. et al.
Macon State
Matt Glover et al.
Florida (?)
Also, Stacy Helton is available as a free agent -- contact me if
interested and I'll give you his e-dress.
Moc Masters (academic) Sun., Aug. 8:
Georgia Tech 1-2
Kentucky 2
Macon State
FAU alums