--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, tfmichael1 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> I have three potential rivals for the honor, but I'm afraid I don't
> know their ages; and in two cases don't recall names.
> In the mid 1990's, Brigham Young had a player who was getting his
> undergraduate degree after serving 25 years in the military. He was
> at least in his late forties-early fifties, possibly older. Perhaps
> someone from that squad who still reads this list will remember.
> He's certainly the oldest person I've ever seen play as an
> undergraduate. He also seemed to get more enjoyment out of playing
> the Sport than anyone else I've ever seen.
That Man was Norm Gillespie. The great Norm, who would tell caste
jokes to an Indian.
T. Andy Wang