:WIT XII: "Leftwing Communist Jewish Homosexual Pornographers" :VENUE: UC Berkeley, October 16, 2004, with Trash Junior Bird to follow. Tournament director is Paul Lujan: plujan (at) socrates (dot) berkeley (dot) edu. Editor is Ray Luo: recfreq (at) yahoo (dot) com. Email us if you have questions or to register. We must hear from you before October 2. :ELIGIBILITY: Anyone. :RULES: ACF, ok non-verbal conferring, all ties broken by OT questions. :SUBMISSIONS: A packet of 22/22 sorted by the major categories below should be sent to the editor (Ray) at: recfreq (at) yahoo (dot) com. 4/4 literature Divided into: 2/2 fiction, 1/1 drama, 1/1 poetry. Please balance with regard to time period and author's nationality (one name the author from Latin America question is ok, two such questions is not). 4/4 history Divided into: 2/2 British or American, 1/1 European, 1/0 or 0/1 Ancient, 1/0 or 0/1 Asian or non-US American. Please balance with regard to time period and subject matter (one Greco-Roman question is ok, two such questions is not). 4/4 science Divided into: 1/1 biology, 1/1 chemistry, 1/1 physics, 1/0 or 0/1 math or computer science, 1/0 or 0/1 astronomy or earth science. Please balance with regard to subject matter (one organic chemistry and one physical chemistry question is ok, two physical chemistry questions is not). 3/3 religious studies Divided into: 1/1 religion, 1/1 mythology, 1/1 philosophy. 3/3 social studies Divided into: one question each in geography, current events, psychology, economics, either linguistics or ethnography, either anthropology or sociology. 3/3 cultural studies Divided into: one question each in popular culture, sports, painting, music, either sculpture or architecture, either film or opera. 1/1 miscellaneous Divided into: one interdisciplinary question and one question on something you like. Small deviations from the subdistributions are acceptable AS LONG AS ALL SUBCATEGORIES ARE REPRESENTED. For example, having both a math and a computer science question can displace the astronomy, but only if astronomy or earth science appears in a physics bonus somewhere. Similarly, if you want to write both a film and an opera question, we'll let you dispense with the popular culture or music, but not painting or sculpture. On the other hand, sending me two sports questions is unacceptable. All packets that blatantly try to deviate from the subdistributions will be returned for modification. You are welcomed to submit extra questions for us to choose from. :IMPORTANT: 1. Please submit grammatically correct ACF-style questions of reasonable length -- no more than four long or five short and long sentences -- no less than three sentences. Please aim for a difficulty level at about that of last year's ACF Fall. This tournament has a light load in terms of question submission, therefore we want the questions to be of the highest quality, and hence usable. 2. Files in rtf format (courier new, 10 pt) with required answers underlined but not bolded is preferred. Sort questions by category. Begin each part of the bonus with the point value in parentheses, not A, B, C, nor 1, 2, 3. Do not use tab. Feel free to use contractions like FTPE. Don't send us more than one six-part bonus, nor more than two 30-20-10s. 3. Balance the difficulty of your bonuses -- don't send me extremely easy or extremely hard bonuses -- everyone should be able to get at least 10 points on a bonus, but only good players should be able to get 30. Don't write ass-hard questions. Don't give useless clues. 4. Teams with only novice players or less than 3 team members may request a dispensation or a reduced distribution by emailing the editor (Ray) by September 11. If you can only muster a half packet of 12/12 due to extraordinary circumstances, please email Ray, preferably before September 11. We hope to have a tasty best packet award. :FEES: $100 base fee. -$10 more than one team. -$10 best packet in the tournament as determined by Ray's monkey. -$40 packet received before Saturday, September 11. +$30 packet received after Saturday, October 2. :FREELANCING: You will receive the entire tournament set for a packet of 11/11 on various categories subject to approval received before September 11, or a full packet of 22/22 following the distribution above received before October 2. We also welcome packet swaps. If you're interested, please first email Ray before working on the packet to ask him what kind of questions he needs: recfreq (at) yahoo (dot) com. We withhold the right to reject packets that we deem to be extraordinarily poor in quality. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
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