Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, will host TRASH's Mid-
Atlantic Regional on Sunday, November 7, 2004. The tournament will
take place on New Brunswick's College Avenue Campus (across the
street from the grease trucks!). Here is the relevant information:
Each team completely new to TRASH pays a flat fee of $20. Entry
fees for other teams are as follows:
First team: $90
Second team: $70
Third team and beyond: $50
Experienced Moderators: -$10 each
Working Buzzers: -$10 each
Clocks: +$20 each (it's an untimed tournament!)
Travel of 150 miles or more, as determined by MapBlast: -$10, one
Minimum fee per team: $40
Creative team names are encouraged. As with TRASHionals, if you
don't name your teams, we may just do so for you.
Please E-mail me at jakeller -atsign- eden -dot- rutgers -dot- edu
if you are interested in coming. If you have any other tournament-
related questions, feel free to contact me or the RUAT at
rutgersacademic -atsign- yahoo -dot- com.
Jason Keller, TD