Hot off our announcement to host the TRASH Jr. Bird, Case Western
Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio is also excited to host TRASH
Regionals. The tournament will take place on November 6th at Case's
Who can participate: Anyone.
Fee Structure:
Base: $100 for the first team, $75 for the second team, $50 for each
additional team.
-$10 for each working Buzzer system
-$10 for each qualified reader
-$10 is you traveled 150 miles or more to attend (judged by Mapquest)
Minimum amount per team: $50
Since Case is also hosting the TRASH Jr. Bird, your school will
receive an additional $10 for each team that you send to the Jr. Bird
As is the TRASHy tradition, try to think up creative names for your
team and/or players.
If you have any questions or would like to attend, please email
Jeff Hanson
Case College Trivia President