Hey everyone, sorry to send two messages in one day, but here I go
again. On November 6th, Brandeis University in Waltham, MA will be
hosting the New England regional for TRASH. All the stuff about
helping you out and questions and stuff is the same as my NAQT e-
mail, so I will just give you the fee chart, my e-mail for further
q's or to express interest, and some other thoughts.
Base fee: $100 for first team -15 for each additional team (there
are also discounts you can talk to me about if you are playing
Buzzer discount: -5 per set (for a working set)
Staff discount: -10 to 15 (we would love to get outside staff and we
are willing to give large discounts to help get staff)
First time discounts: If you have never attended a TRASH event, the
discounts will be substantial, send me an e-mail and I will let you
know about them.
Again, if money is an issue, just let me know, we can always work
something out.
Further questions or comments, please feel free to ask me at danpass
_at_ brandeis . edu (without spaces).
Hope to see everyone come out for a weekend of testing recall about
strange happenings.