UTC has two tournaments coming up in October: a high school
tournament (Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial) on Sat., Oct. 9,
and a college tournament (Center of the Known Universe Open, or
COTKU) on Sat., Oct. 16. For both events' we're seeking:
* Mirror and/or partner sites elsewhere in the country. We can make
arrangements where you can use our questions for a share of the
proceeds, for a contribution of several rounds' worth of questions,
or for a little of each.
* Freelance question writers willing to write a round (or equivalent
volume of questions in certain subject areas) in return for full
packet sets of these or other UTC tournaments.
We also have a trash tournament (Big Lots Clearance Open) on Sun.,
Oct. 17, but that'll be a mirror of UM-Rolla's FOGHAT tournament. If
you're interested in mirroring that -- and trust me, it's fun --
you'll want to contact Jeremy White. But for the HS and college
mirror/partner/freelance arrangements, contact me: steinhic [at]
bellsouth [dot] net. Thanks.