Nick needs some support in this debate. I had the opportunity to
play at CUT two years ago and it was thoroughly enjoyable. As an ICT
vet our team size was limited and therefore so was our breadth of
topics. We were in every match, but we were beaten by novice teams
that had the greater breadth of knowledge. Every match was
interesting and fun for both theams.
I whole heartedly believe that the CUT style can be inivigorating
and challenging change of pace for us Undergrads sitting fifth and
sixth on the depth chart. The health of the game is keeping people
involved. The question is how to keep good quality (but not star
caliber) players interested beyond the expiration of their DII
I don't read the board much, so don't try to continue a flame war
with me, it likely won't get started.
Tom P.
The pragmatic teammate to the ideological hairboy.