Greetings! The Iowa State University Academic Quiz Club is proud to
announce that its fall high school tourney, Cyclone Bowl 5.0, will
take place on October 2nd, 2004 in Ames, Iowa. This tournament,
however, will be different than the past, because we will be
mirroring UIUC's Earlybird high school tourney.
Time and Place: We will start registering teams at around 8:30 A.M.
and finish up around somewhere between 4 and 5 P.M. Place is TBD.
Format and Questions can be found here:
However, I am making one change to the rules for our tournament: We
will not use bouncebacks.
Fees: $45 per team, with -$10 discount for a fully functioning
buzzer system (One per team)
To register, please e-mail me at abonk_at_... along with your
school's name, how many teams you would be bringing, and how many
buzzer systems you would be bringing.
Adam M. Bonk
Tournament Directior of Cyclone Bowl 5.0 a.k.a. UIUC Earlybird 2004