UTD wants to send at least one team to the Route 66 tournament. Either date works for us. Gina Felts AA Collegium V & Prelaw The University of Texas at Dallas PO Box 830688 MP16 Richardson, TX 75083 972-883-4297 phone 972-883-2487 fax ************************************************************************ ********************************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beginning August 1, 2004, official correspondence will be sent ONLY to the student's U.T. Dallas email address. This allows the university to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individuals corresponding and the security of the transmitted information. To establish or maintain an official, student, U.T. Dallas computer account, access: http://netid.utdallas.edu/. U.T. Dallas provides each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with university personnel. The Department of Information Resources at U.T. Dallas provides a method for students to forward email from other accounts to their U.T. Dallas address and have their U.T. Dallas mail sent on to other accounts. -----Original Message----- From: mking3472 [mailto:no_reply_at_yahoogroups.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:21 PM To: quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com Subject: [quizbowl] New Date for Route 66 The University of Oklahoma Academic Team may break tradition this year concerning the Route 66 tournament. It is normally held on the same weekend as the OU-Texas game, which will fall on October 9 this year, but the team has expressed interest in participating in Iowa's The Tournament Goes to Eleven. Therefore, the team would reschedule Route 66 for the following Saturday, October 16. I will have a pricing structure for Route 66 as soon as I can determine it. Right now, I need to determine which teams would be interested in attending the tournament, especially if it were postponed a week from its original date. --Matthew S. King Vice President, Oklahoma Academic Team Yahoo! Groups Links
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