Oklahoma Academic Team will hold Route 66 on Saturday, October 16,
2004. This tournament will use NAQT IS-44, so teams that wish to
attend Texas A&M's Ole Sarge Open will not have to worry about
question conflicts. The pricing structure for Route 66 is as
Base Fee: $90
-$5 per 150 miles traveled
-$5 per working buzzer system
-$10 per additional team a school sends
-$10 if payment arrives before October 4, 2004
-$20 per pre-approved moderator volunteer
Minimum Fee: $50
I understand that moving Route 66 to October 16 will cause
scheduling conflicts with some schools. I apologize for the late
decision to move the tournament; the reason that it was moved is
that some of my team members are interested in attending Iowa's This
Tournament Goes to Eleven.
If you have any questions about Route 66, e-mail me at mking3472 at
ou dot edu.
Matthew King
Vice President, Oklahoma Academic Team