Thanks to a special arrangement with the Academic Competition Federation, the University of Rochester's Thelion Society is offering a special, one-time discount of $25 to every team playing ACF Fall 2004 at UR! All other discounts will remain as originally announced. You now have the opportunity to play ACF Fall, one of America's premier quizbowl events, for as little as $25 a team!
A recap of our revised fee structure follows:
Base Fee: $75
Buzzer Discount (max. 2 per school): -$5
Qualified Moderator Discount: -$10
Multiple Team Discount: -$10/team (2nd team pays $90, 3rd team $80, etc.)
First time playing ACF Discount: -$10/team
Travel Discount - 200+ miles: -$15
Travel Discount - 350+ miles: -$25
Also played this year's FDIC Discount: -$10/school
Minimum Fee Per Team: $25
Gordon Arsenoff
"If you put your foot in your mouth, and continue to shoot your mouth off, you're only shooting yourself in the foot." -Me
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]