This is Quentin Roper, president of Drake University's Quiz Bowl
team. Now, to my knowledge, Drake's Quiz Bowl team started in 2002,
when the previous President, Kristi Ryan, started it.
Recently, however, there has been increasing evidence that suggests
that this is not necessarily the case.
1. At the 2004 MASQUE Tournament, Rob Hentzel suggested that Drake
University had had a quiz bowl team, which I'd never heard of.
2. The University of Iowa's Quiz Club's website said that, in
the "Prehistoric Ages" of their quiz club's history, they mention
going to a "Drake Invitational" in the 90's, which is, as all you
math majors out there have noticed, is before 2002.
Anything that would help me get a picture of Quiz Bowl's history at
Drake University would be immensely helpful.
~Quentin Roper