On September 25th 17 schools gathered at Atlanta, GA for our latest
installment of Heinrich Bll. For division I stats, you'll want to
venture to
and Division II is at
Alternatively, you can venture to
Congratulations to Emory for taking home the unified title. For
individual awards, congraulations are in order for (in Division I) Seth
from Kentucky A with 109.29 PPG, Gerry from Emory A with 48.57, Chad
from Kentucky B with 46.43, and Matt from Vanderbilt A with 41.41, (in
Division II) Soloman from Emory B with 58.75, Micheal from Kentucky D
with 47.50, Matt from FSU with 38.75, and Ehren from Georgia Tech with
I want to give props and thanks to those that helped me out on this
tournament, namely Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Stephen Webb, Robert Scott,
Donald Allex, Scott Buckley, everyone else on the staff, and to the
Nicholas Bendler
Tournamnet Director, Heinrich Bll 2004.