The eighth edition of the XFL Million Dollar Game of quiz bowl
tournaments -- TRASHionals 2005 -- is scheduled for the weekend of
April 15-17, 2005.
TRASH (Testing Recall About Strange Happenings) is looking for a good
Ask any school that has hosted TRASHionals in the past, and they'll
tell you how much of a blast they had hosting the biggest pop culture
party of the spring!
If you're interested in hosting TRASHionals 2005, e-mail me at
jdinan_at_... TRASH should make a decision on a host by early
We are also accepting "non-traditional" bids to host TRASHionals
2005. By non-traditional, I mean something of the realm of Viva
TRASH Vegas in 2003. I can tell you now there is at least one non-
traditional bid under consideration.
So why are you just sitting there. E-mail your bid today!!
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH