As previously announced by the Missouri-Rolla ACO, the fifth annual
incarnation of my trash quiz bowl tournament, F.O.G.H.A.T. (Face-Off
Gauging High Achievement in Trash) will be played in Rolla on Sunday,
October 24, 2004. This is the day after the Rolla's academic tourney,
I will write and edit the packets with huge contributions from Ben
Lea, Jason Schwengler and some of the fine folks at UT-Chattanooga.
UTC will again be mirroring the question set--or perhaps more
accurately foreshadowing it--at the Big Lots Open tourney on Oct.
17th. I would ask everyone there to maintain security on the
questions until after the 24th.
A gauntlet of business and personal travel has prevented me from
writing up a fancier announcment, so I'll have to quickly send the
following info. E-mail me at jeremy_white _at_ for
more information or to register.
Format: Untimed, 20-question trash packets
Eligibility: Open to anyone
Fee: Base $70 w/ up to $30 of possible discounts ($10 each for a
buzzer system, a volunteer, or for participating in Rollapalooza).
Again, if you have further questions or want to register, write me at
jeremy_white _at_
Jeremy White