First of all, the official Bonspiel web page has been moved to, so update your
Second, with the regular packet deadline quickly approaching (i.e.
this weekend - please send packets to Peter Stone, stone at mit dot
edu), here's a partial listing of the field based on what people have
told me via email:
Brandeis - 1 open, 1 JV
Chicago - 3 teams
Columbia - 1 open, 1 JV, 1 unknown
Cornell - 1 open, 1 JV
Harvard - 3 or 4 JV
JHU - 1 open, 1 JV
NYU - 1 open, 1 JV
Tufts - 1 JV
Yale - 1 open, 2 JV
Some of these emails seemed speculative, so please let me know very
soon (ssivek at mit dot edu) if I've got something wrong, if you have
more definite info about how many teams are attending from your school
or in which divisions they'll be competing, or if you're not on this
list but you should be.
See you on the 23rd,
Steven Sivek