Culver Academies is proud to announce our inaugural High School Varsity Quiz
Bowl Tournament! The First Annual Culver Academies Invitational will be
held on February 19, 2005, and we hope your school will be able to send one
or more teams to compete in our tournament! The NAQT tournament will
feature between 16 and 32 teams, depending on school interest. Each team
will be guaranteed a minimum of eight games, with round robins being held in
the morning and playoff round robins being held in the afternoon. The
Registration Fee is $50 per team. Please feel free to ask for more
information or reserve spot(s) for your team(s) by e-mailing Phil Blessman
at blessmp_at_... <mailto:blessmp_at_...> .
Philip H. G. Blessman
Physics and Astronomy Instructor
Quiz Bowl Coach
Culver Academies
1300 Academy Road
Culver, IN 46511-1291
Phone: 574-842-7052
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