As president of the Penn College Bowl team, I can respond that I
absolutely would like to have Penn Bowl this year. As of my last
conversation with Samer at last year's ICT, he said he'd be willing
to help out with the editing, which is essentially the only road
block to our being able to host it without him. Also, Ben Gross is in
the Philly area now and might be able to help out in that area as
Thus, if you're reading this Samer...please e-mail me privately, as
I've also tried unsuccessfully to contact you. If Samer is able to
help us out, then my teammates and I would be more than happy to
organize all the logistical stuff, as we did last year. However, if
Penn Bowl does happen this year, I can definitely say there's a
likelihood that we might be capping the number of teams to 24 or 32
for the aforementioned reasons.
--Nick Walters