Dear Folks: As many of you may by now have come to expect, Michigan Academic Competitions is pleased to announce our annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Tournament, taking place on Saturday 15 January 2005, the Saturday immediately before Martin Luther King Day. As usual, this will be an academic tournament with timed rounds and NAQT-style. Difficulty will be comparable to previous years, somewhere between NAQT and ACF Regionals. The MLK will be followed on Sunday by the equally annual Ann B. Davis Trash Tournament, to be announced separately. CONTACTS Questions about logistics or packets should be addressed to Tournament Director and Editor Adam Kemezis (akemezis at umich dot edu). ELIGIBILITY This tournament is open to all current students, graduate or undergraduate. If you are currently taking any course that could contribute to a degree program at the institution you're playing for, or if you are working toward a degree but not taking courses (welcome to the club), you're eligible. If you're in doubt, ask. Depending on the size of the field, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Again, if you want to be an exception, let us know. FEE STRUCTURE Base fee for first team from a given school: $90 Base fee for additional teams from same school: $85 You're bringing a buzzer system: -$5/system (max of 2) You've never been to the MLK before: -$10/team You're coming from more than 500 miles away: -$20/team You give me packet by (all these dates are Sundays): 28 November: -$30 12 December: -$15 26 December: -$5 2 January: No penalty 9 January: +$10 After that: +$25 Minimum fee per team: $50 Hard copy of questions (after tournament): $20 Teams from foreign countries may pay in the currency of their home country at an exchange rate of one to one with U.S. Dollars. QUESTION SUBMISSION We will be using our usual distribution, viz.: Literature: 4/4 History: 4/4 Science: 5/4 Current Events: 3/3 Arts: 3/4 Geography and Social Science: 4/4 Myth, Religion, Philosophy: 3/3 Pop Culture: 3/3 General Knowledge: 1/1 Teams that have less experience writing questions may want to consult the Michigan Memorandum on question writing, available on the web at: Along with its appendix: Packets should be submitted, if at all possible in RTF form. If somehow this is not possible, some version of Word other than very recent ones should work OK. Packets submitted in Word Perfect format should include detailed, personally tested instructions on how to get Word 98 for Mac to read them, along with an explanation of why, if it was possible to test the conversion, it was not possible to simply save out of Word as an RTF file. There are a few general points I'd ask everyone to keep in mind: -- Please remember that this is a timed tournament. Tossups should not be more than five lines of 10 to 12 point type, or 500 characters. Bonus parts should not be more than two lines, and bonuses should not contain more than three of them, unless they are one-word questions (e.g. "Given a country, name its capital city," or some such). -- When formatting, simple is best. Using tabs and line spacings to make everything line up never works right in the end. -- Please put all answers to tossups and bonus parts on different lines from the questions. --When specifying the minimum required part of an answer, use underlining, or if that's a problem, _underscore_ marks. DO NOT USE CAPITALS. THEY SUCK REAL BAD. --Please no questions on flags or spelling, and no computation or "for a quick ten points" tossups. Tossups must contain at least four or five discrete facts that cannot be logically derived from one another. --One visual bonus is permitted per packet, as long as it does not require color copying. Audio bonuses are not permitted. --If you have any questions about anything to do with your packet, just send an e-mail. It's much easier to answer e-mails than to re-write questions because of a misunderstanding. BASIC LOGISTICS: If you're wondering how to get to Ann Arbor and where to stay once you get there, some general suggestions can be found at: If you have more specific questions, or are just feeling chatty, give us an e-mail. We look forward to a big crowd and a fine show come January. Cheers, Kemezis
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