Once again WUSTL will be hosting TRASH Regionals in conjunction with
the tenth installment of the Gateway Invitational Tournament on
Sunday, November 7th (GIT being the day before).
The following teams are registered:
Tulsa- 1 team
University of Illinois Springfield- 1 team
Depauw- 1-2 teams
WUSTL- 1 team
UIUC- 1 team
The following teams have expressed interest in playing:
Notre Dame
University of Missouri-Rolla
Truman State
The following I have as listed as free agents:
Rodger Dillon
Delano Barnes
If you registered with me and I forgot you on this list I'm sorry
and just email me again at allythin AT SYMBOL hotmail.com If you
wish to register a team please use the same address.
There is still plenty of time to register and I look forward to a
fun Sunday!
Sean Phillips
TD TRASH Regionals Midwest