Hey everybody,
This is to let you know that Yale is hosting its annual college
tournament, Bulldogs Over Broadway (BOB), on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2004
in scenic New Haven, CT.
Base fee $100
Working Buzzer discount -$10 (limit 2 discounts)
Minimum fee (with packet discounts listed below) $60
BOB is a packet-submission tournament, and here are the requirements.
Send me a packet of: 25 tossups/25 bonuses (aim for around ACF
regionals difficulty or maybe a little easier)
4/4 History
4/4 Literature
4/4 Science
2/2 of any of the above three (no more than 1/1 of each discipline)
3/3 Fine Arts (music, painting, architecture, etc.)
3/3 Religion/Myth/Philosophy
2/2 Social Science
1/1 Geography/Current Events
2/2 Miscellaneous (General Knowledge, Multi-disciplinary, Trash, or
more from previous categories)
Packet discounts/deadlines:
Sat. November 6 -$25
Sat. November 13 -$15
Sat. November 20 No penalty
Fri. November 26 +$20
After that $+40
**Best packet discount (as determined by me) -$15
Email me about arrangements for novice teams, multiple teams from
same school, etc.
michael . wehrman _at_ yale . edu
Mike Wehrman, Yale