This message did not reach some of its intended recipients, so I'm posting it here for better viewing. Also note that the current field is final, and due to constraints on thbe packets, the format will shorten to a double round robin with a best-of-three playoff with advantage if no team is leading by two games. _______________ Gordon Arsenoff Business Manager, Theliion Society "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you." -A. L. Irons ----- Original Message ----- From: ga001m_at_... To: trivia_at_... ; smf83_at_... ; Smith, Zackery E ; matthew cvijanovich Cc: Dan Blake ; mbonyak2_at_... ; mm006k_at_... ; mg001k_at_... ; jschulma_at_... ; jschermeyer_at_... Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:18 PM Subject: ACF Fall at Rochester: October 30th, 2004 The current field for ACF Fall at Rochester is as follows: Alfred University - 1 team (D2?) Case Western Reserve University - 1 team (D1?) Cornell University - 2 teams (both D1?) University of Rochester - 2 teams (1 D1, 1 D2) Registration will begin at 9:00 and the first round will start at 9:30. [Staffers should arrive no later than 8:30.] It will be held in Meliora Hall, which on the map at is building #11. Tournament HQ will be in room 204. The plan, at least at this time, is to run a triple round robin (fifteen rounds total) and a one-game final only if needed to break a tie at the top. With only three rooms in use for games, we will not be in dire need of moderators; however, since the discount was announced, you can still bring staffers and we'll try to find a use for them. We'd still very much appreciate buzzer sets. Visit for directions to the University from the Rochester area. Thank you all for making this tournament a success! I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am. _______________ Gordon Arsenoff Business Manager, Thelion Society "If you put your foot in your mouth, and continue to shoot your mouth off, you're only shooting yourself in the foot." -Me [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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