On behalf of ATC I'd like to make it clear that the we had no
intention of trying to chase Nick away from the 22nd of January. We
are as interested in the success of Penn Bowl as Nick is, as it is a
longstanding tradition and a positive force for packet submission.
The suggestion to move the tournament was not meant to come off as
a "demand." Matt suggested the move based on a concern that the two
tournaments might negatively affect each other and had the best
interests of both ATC and Penn Bowl at heart. As Dan said, "More
tournaments good." ATC is meant as a positive effort to stimulate
packet submission at all levels of the circuit, especially among
younger teams. Malicious action against Penn Bowl would be against
the tenets on which our organization was founded. We hope that all
of this will subside soon, leaving room for the two tournaments to
peacefully coexist. We hope to see everyone out on the 29th and
whenever Penn Bowl ends up being held.
-Eric Kwartler
For ATC members Chris Frankel, Michael Sorice and Matt Weiner.