I checked the message board, and it looks like we haven't hawked
these in quite a while. UTC has question sets from several recent
tournaments available for sale or trade. We are definitely
interested in trading for any recent independent tournaments, high
school and college. We will also trade any set for one freelance
round of high school or college academic questions.
Unless otherwise marked, sets are $15 each; the $10 sets typically
have fewer rounds. Buy three sets and you can get a 4th of equal or
lesser value for free. Past editions are also available for these
tournaments, for $10 a set. We will mail hard copy if you prefer;
for those, add $1 per set to help defray the postage. The most
recent sets available are:
COTKU 2004
Moc Masters 2004 ($10)
Moon Pie 2004
Sword Bowl 2004
Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial 2004
Dennis Haskins Open 2004
Muck Masters 2004 ($10)
Summer Camp 2004 ($10)
RC Cola 2004
ACF Detox 2004
TrashMasters 2003
E-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net if interested.