> In response to Stephen Webb's ill-advised parenthetical statement,
> wish to encourage all people and teams who are not attending this
> tournament to boycott it and not offer to write Mr. Webb freelance
> packets, since you will get nothing in return. Let him write it
> by himself, since he obviously abhors third parties providing
> questions for his tournament or, barring that, abhors rewarding
> parties for their hard work in support of a packet set or, even
> barring all previous, he believes optional packet submission will
> result in more than zero attending teams contributing.
> Dan
The University of Florida's Sunshine State Invitaional would be more
than happy to have the packets of those freelancers following up on
Dan's fine idea. I'll send you a tournament set and even offer to
buy you a drink next time your team mutually attends a tournament
with UF. For those coming to SSI I'll extend you the same deal- and
I highly recommend the jumbo margaritas at Ashley's.
Michael Napier
Tournament Director