On behalf of the Carleton College Academic Quiz team, I am pleased to
announce that Carleton will be hosting the second annual Carleton
Academic Tournament (Snow CAT) for high school teams on January 29,
2005. The tournament will be held on the Carleton campus in
Northfield, MN.
The tournament details can be found here:
This tournament will use Invitational Series #47A from National
Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC. Any team in the country is welcome to
attend, but those outside of Minnesota should make sure that they are
not planning to attend another tournament that is using the same set.
A list of tournaments and the sets they are using can be found on the
NAQT web site at:
If you have any questions about the tournament, please feel free to
contact me at theartsflourished-at-yahoo.com
Courtney Colby