Michigan Academic Competitions (MAC), in conjunction with Michigan
Buzzer Competitions (MBC), the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) and the
Milk Development Council (MDC), is proud to present Ann B. Davis 2005
- AXD - to be held on Sunday, 16 January 2005 on the Central Campus of
the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, the day after the Michigan MLK
Memorial Academic Tournament.
This is the most important popular culture tournament to be held
anywhere in Washtenaw County on 16 January 2005, so feel free to read
up at [url]http://www.mikeburger.com/abd2005.html[/url] and decide if
you're up to the challenge. And, as usual, a delicious buffet that
will be painstakingly scraped together at the last minute will be
--Mike Burger and Craig Barker