Hey, This is the preliminary announcement for Drake University's Undergraduate Tournament 2005: When the Pilgrims Landed at Fraggle Rock. DUUT2005 will be held on February 12, 2005 in Des Moines, Iowa. I realize that this is the same date as the CBI Regional Tournament, and, if too many team conflicts (that I am made aware of) occur, I will move the date, but as of right now, it stands on Feb. 12. It's a CUT-style tournament, but we'll be using submitted packets instead of those provided by NAQT. This means that novice teams (composed of entirely 1st or 2nd year players) can play with teams up to 4 people, upperclassmen can play with teams up to 2 people, and graduates have to play alone. Now, it should be noted right now that DUUT2005 is NOT submission required, but given that all the packets are either coming from us, whatever freelancers I can enlist, and the teams themselves, we'd like as many packets submitted by teams as possible. Cost breakdown is as follows: 90$ for 1st team 80$ for 2nd team 60$ for every team after the 2nd -45$ per packet submitted by January 29th (-10$ additional if submitted by January 22nd) (+10$ additional if submitted after January 29th) -10$ per working buzzer system (limit 1/team) -15$ per competant moderator (IE can read out loud with little difficulty) Minimum cost/team is 20$ Packet breakdown should consist of (TU/bonuses): Literature (4/4) Science (4/4) History (4/4) Rel/Myth/Phil (3/3) Soc. Sci/Geog (2/2) Fine Arts (2/2) Other Big 3 (2/2) (IE Lit/Sci/His) Your Choice (2/2) Total (23/23) Email me at QJR001_at_... and please indicate the number of teams you will bring, and if you intend to submit packets (and how many). Also email me if you have any questions/concerns regarding the tournament. While I'm at it, if any of you freelancers want to submit packets, we can offer compensation. ~Quentin Roper Drake University
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