At the moment I have 16 teams on the docket for TrashMasters, nine of which I also have names for. Free agents are still welcome, and so are additional officials. Regarding schedule: Based on the responses I got to the survey earlier, and exercising Solomonic wisdom, I have decreed that the K- Tel Hell prelims will be held Saturday in the early evening as usual, but K-Tel Hell finals will be held Sunday after the round robin finishes. Best guess is that we'll have two or three rounds of the round robin left on Sunday AM before K-Tel Hell finals, awards, and playoffs. I plan to allow a *short* dinner break in the early evening, but may scratch it and make everyone eat a late dinner if we're running behind schedule. Here's the field as I have it, with one contact listed for each team. If you have any corrections or come up with a clever team name in time for me to get it on the schedule, please let me know. (steinhic at bellsouth dot net) The Five People You Meet in Heaven: Trial by Jury ( Mike Burger) Mothra and Child Reunion ( Gail Celio ) The Chronicles of Riddick Bowe ( Gerald Tansey ) The Gerbil Express ( Greg Sorenson ) Bill O'Reilly's Shower Massage: Now With Falafel Setting! ( Dave Murphy ) The DiVinyls Code ( Mark Dawson ) Soul Truck ( Tom Michael ) Bastard Covered Bastards with Bastard Filling ( James Quintong ) Weapons of Ass Destruction [tentative name] ( Chris Hendry ) unnamed ( Anthony Bush ) unnamed ( Carol Guthrie ) unnamed ( Delano Barnes ) unnamed ( John Kilby ) unnamed ( Michael Kearney ) unnamed ( Paul McCord) unnamed ( Tim Young )
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