Hmmm. I've been getting other messages on that address
today. It doesn't matter terribly unless you have
something time-sensitive. I check this address less
often. In any case, thanks for letting us know, and I
look forward to seeing your team next month.
--- alisonofbath <grinnellns_at_...> wrote:
> Wofford College would like to send a team. I can't
> seem to get the
> e-mail address from your first message to accept
> anything from me; it
> bounces back.
> Natalie Grinnell
> --------
> Natalie Grinnell
> Assoc. Prof. of English
> Wofford College
> grinnellns_at_...
> --- In, "Adam Kemezis"
> <kemezis_at_y...> wrote:
> >
> > As of five weeks and change before the tournament,
> I have heard from
> the following teams
> > that they are coming:
> >
> > Rochester (4 teams)
> > Bowling Green
> > VCU
> > Cornell
> > Chicago (4?)
> > Case
> > Wash. U. (2)
> >
> > Could I just get a head count of whoever else is
> planning to show
> up? Please reply to
> > akemezis at umich dot edu.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Kemezis