On behalf of ATC and Princeton College Bowl, I would like to announce
that Princeton will be hosting the Mid-Atlantic ATC Winter Open on
January 29, 2005. All the basics you need to know are at
https://webspace.utexas.edu/egk55/www/ .
In terms of fees, the structure is as follows:
Base fee: $80 (to accomodate the additional moderator discount I added
Packet submitted by December 24th: -$40
Packet submitted by January 1st: -$20
Packet submitted by January 8th: No Penalty
Packet submitted by January 15th: +$20
Packet submitted by January 22nd: +$40
Buzzer discount: -$5/buzzer (limit 2)
Experienced moderator discount: -$10 (please consider this option
seriously, as the tournament overlaps with our intercession break, and
may create a need for more staffers).
Travel discounts will be considered on a case by case basis.
Please register as soon as you can and try to get your packets done on
time. Contact me at cfrankel (at) princeton.edu to express interest,
ask questions about the tournament, or send completed packets.
-Chris Frankel
-Princeton College Bowl