Charlie, Wofford is planning to come and we are diligently writing our packet. Natalie > ---------- > From: steinhic_at_... > Reply To: > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:00 PM > To: > Subject: [quizbowl] Sword Bowl (junior bird academic QB) at UT-Chattanooga Sat. 1/22/05 > > > > (Apologies for the inevitable cross-posting.) > > The UTC Academic Trivia Association will host its 7th annual Sword > Bowl in scenic Chattanooga, TN. This academic quizbowl tournament > will be a one-day event Sat., Jan. 22, 2005. Sword Bowl is a "junior > bird" tournament. Because it's the same weekend as Penn Bowl, Sword > Bowl is designed as an alternative for less experienced quizbowl > teams. It's also a good warmup for all those February regionals. > Packet submission is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged, > including a partial packet option for the least experienced teams > (see below.) > > ELIGIBILITY: The tournament is open to the following: > * Teams from 2-year or 4-year colleges/universities composed > entirely of freshmen and/or sophomores and/or upperclassmen in their > first or second year [academic calendar] of intercollegiate quizbowl > competition. (Important note: since the untimed game and ACF-style > format differs so greatly from the CBI style, participation in CBI > and HCASC tournaments will *not* be counted as previous > intercollegiate experience.) > Note: Teams which have players with limited experience that > technically stretches out across more than two years may still be > ruled eligible. If your team is in such a situation, contact me with > the details (how many players, how much experience, etc.) > Eligibility for such schools will be considered on a case-by-case > basis. > * High school teams willing to take their chances with the above. > Multiple teams may participate from the same school. However, > players on any given team must be enrolled in the same school; open > or mixed-affiliation schools are not accepted. > > FORMAT: This will be modified or "softcore" ACF style, meaning > untimed rounds of 20 tossups (worth 10 pts. each) and up to 20 > bonuses (worth a possible 30 pts. each.) Questions will be > distributed across various academic categories, with a smattering of > pop culture thrown in. > > FIELD SIZE: Owing to the number of readers expected, we have > tentatively capped the field at 36 teams. If we get more readers we > may be able to expand this, but I think it's unlikely we'll need to. > > SCHEDULE & LOCATION: We'll be in Grote and Holt Halls on the UT- > Chattanooga campus, with tournament headquarters in 129 Grote > Hall.Registration will begin at 9:00 EST Saturday 1/22/05, with > announcements at 9:45 and the tournament beginning at 10. I'll have > a better idea of when it will end when I have a better idea of the > size of the field, but typically we'll be finished or at least in the > finals by 8 PM. > > FEES: > Base fee per team: $95 > Minimum fee after discounts: $60 (with one exception noted > below.) > Discounts -- > Working lockout buzzer system: $5 (1 discount per team; if > you bring a 2nd buzzer and we actually need to use it we'll knock off > another $5) > Experienced reader: will be given their choice of $10 off > the fee, or the same bribe we offer our house readers, dinner at > Provino's. (Guess which one they'll take.) > Additional teams from same school: $10 > Distance >400 miles (one way): $10 > Full packet meeting guidelines below, submitted by midnight > Tue., Dec. 28: $20 > Full packet meeting guidelines below, submitted after 12/28 > but by Tue., Jan. 4: $10 > Full packet meeting guidelines below, submitted after 1/4 > but by Tue., Jan. 11: $0 > Partial packet of 13 tossups and 12 boni, distributed > > across categories and meeting guidelines below, submitted by Tue., > Jan. 11: $10 penalty (penalty waived for schools participating in > their first independent UTC tournament and/or composed entirely of > first-year players; also waived for 3rd, 4th, and subsequent teams > from a given school.) > Full packet meeting guidelines below, submitted after 1/11 > but by Sun., Jan. 16: $10 penalty [plus you have to notify me by 1/11 > if you're taking this option.] > No questions submitted at all: $20 penalty [This is not > purely mercenary on our part. For one thing, we always need more > questions, but for another, we want every team to develop their > question-writing skills.) > > There's another way to earn an extra discount, and this one can take > your fees down to a minimum of $45: > Original high school-level packet (for our March 19 HS > tournament), meeting guidelines below, submitted by Fri., Jan. 21: $15 > > PACKET GUIDELINES: First of all, *questions must be blind to all > other teams, including the other teams from your school.* In some > cases we can make exceptions, but PLEASE check with me first. > It's not mandatory, but it'll make life easier on me if you can e- > mail the packet as either an MS Word or RTF file, if the essential > parts of the answer are in bold, and if you insert the word "Answer:" > before each answer. To encourage participation by Division II teams, > we prefer a degree of difficulty considered easy to moderate by > current invitational standards. While not beginning with giveaway > clues, most tossups should be answerable by most teams by the end of > the question. Bonuses should be such that a novice team stands a good > chance of getting at least 10 pts., a good team 20, and the best > teams all 30 pts. > DISTRIBUTION: To make editing easier, we ask for 25 tossups and > 25 bonuses per packet, distributed as follows: > Literature 5 > Recommended: at least 2 20th century, at least 2 pre- > 20th century > at least 2 U.S./Canadian, at least 2 non-U.S./Canadian > Sciences 5 > Required: at least 1 each of biology, physics, and > chemistry > History 5 > Recommended: at least 2 20th century, at least 2 pre- > 20th century > at least 2 U.S./Canadian, at least 2 non-U.S./Canadian > The remaining 10 should contain at least 1 each and no more than 3 > of: > Philosophy/religion/myth > Fine arts > Social sciences incl. geography > Popular culture > General knowledge/interdisciplinary > [Note -- if submitting a high school round as part of a discount, > please include at least one math/computer science question and one > geography question.] > > STYLE: > Tossups -- average length 3 sentences. We want questions that > begin with lesser-known details and gradually get easier. And please > don't violate the pronoun rule -- e.g.,, if your first pronoun > is "He..." the answer should be a person, not a title. > Bonuses -- all bonuses worth a possible 30 pts.; no single- > part all-or-nothing bonuses. We don't want 6-part boni unless they're > very, very short, and even then use sparingly. Also use the 30-20-10 > format sparingly. > > ACCOMMODATIONS: We haven't reserved a block yet, but the Clarion > Hotel downtown is generally willing to give the discount rate > ($66/night) if you.tell them you're with the UTC quizbowl > tournament. The Clarion's number is (423) 756-5150; . > > DIRECTIONS: > Come towards downtown Chattanooga on I-24. Take the freeway > splitoff labeled US 27 North - Downtown Chattanooga. Follow US 27 > North to Exit 1A, 4th St. (Don't worry about which way to turn on 4th > St. - it only goes one way.) Follow 4th St.about 1/2 mile. Shortly > after you see the McKenzie (UTC) Arena on your right, 4th St. will > > bear slightly left and merge with 3rd St. Once you pass the cemetery > on your right, turn at the 2nd street to the right, Palmetto St. Go > two blocks and turn right on Vine St. Follow it to the last > available parking lot on your right before the road is closed. Grote > is the building closest to that parking lot. Enter at the back door > by the dumpster; tournament HQ would be Grote 129. > > WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE: To no one's surprise, the tournament director > is Charlie Steinhice. If you have any questions, I can be reached at > (423) 877-2706 or 504-8255, or by e-mail at steinhic [at] bellsouth > [dot] net. > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > >
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