U-Missouri Rolla in sunny Rolla, Mo will be
hosting the Midwest NAQT Sectional Championship Tournament.
The tournament will take place on Saturday Feb. 5th, on the campus of
UMR. The times will be determined later based on how many teams we
Fee Structure:
Base: $120 for the first team from a school, $100 for each additional
-$10 for each working buzzer system
-$20 for each reader qualified in reading in the NAQT format
-$10 for each working countdown clock
-$10 if you traveled 150 miles or more to attend (judged by Mapquest)
Minimum amount per team: $65
New schools to NAQT will automatically just play the mininum fee
A copy of the questions is included with your school's entry fee.
Please e-mail me at wcsq4f (at) umr.edu to register or if you have
any questions
Bill Stallard
UMR ACO President