This is a preliminary announcement that the 2005 NAQT West Coast
Sectional Championship Tournament will be held at the University of
Southern California on Saturday, February 5, 2005.
I, Andrew Gonzalez, will be the director for this tournament,
alongside our newly-elected president, Mik Larsen. If you have any
questions or wish to inform us that you will attend our SCT, please e-
mail us (quizbowl_at_...) to let us know how many teams you wish to
enter, which divisions said teams will be playing in, and whether you
have buzzers and timers you can provide us.
I hope to see as many west coast teams as possible turn out; we've
even got the University of Cincinatti quiz bowl team making the
trip! We'll see you all in February!
~Andrew Gonzalez
USC Quiz Bowl Vice President
Tournament Director, 2005 West Coast NAQT Sectional