I'm pleased to announce the hosts for ACF regionals 2005, scheduled
for February 26th.
Teams should note that the packet deadlines are rapidly approaching:
January 14th: -$30
January 28th: -$20
February 4th: +$0
February 11th: +$20
Region Host (Contact)
New England Boston University (Asif Khan, makhan at bu dot edu)
Mid-Atlantic Rutgers-New Brunswick (Jason Keller, jakeller at eden
dot rutgers dot edu)
Midsouth UTC (Charlie Steinhice, steinhic at bellsouth dot net)
Florida South Florida (Anthony Napolitano, anapolit at mail
dot usf dot edu)
Midwest Chicago (Susan Ferrari, srferrar at midway dot
uchicago dot edu)
West Coast UCLA (Matthew Sherman, shermanm at ucla dot edu)
Jeff Hoppes
Editor, ACF Regionals 2005